The best Vue js courses to become Vue js developer 2025

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In today's digital age, learning any subject online has never been easier. With platforms like YouTube, blogs, and community forums, information is just a click away. However, without expert guidance, it can be overwhelming to sift through the vast sea of resources and find the best ones. That's why learning from a trusted expert is crucial—it ensures you gain accurate, structured, and actionable knowledge.

Where best to learn Vue js?

Here are top Vue js courses platform this year:

1. Vue School

Vue School, one of the two official Vue js online learning platform. It covers Vue js subject from beginner to advanced, tought by Daniel Kelly and Mostafa Said Mahmoud, both are expert in Vue js.

Key Features of

  1. Latest Courses: Courses are updated frequently, additionally new lessons are added every week.
  2. Comprehensive Content: Topics include Vue 3, Vue 2, Nuxt, Vue Router, Composition API and Pinia - the official Vue's state management.
  3. Vue js integration: Integrate Vue js with other stack like Astro, TailwindCSS, ChartJS and Laravel.
  4. Supporting Vue: Vue School also is a platinum sponsor of Evan You, the creator of Vue js. When you enrolled you are becoming part of the Vue js development.

Enrol with Vue School now

2. Vue Mastery

Vue Mastery is also an official online learning platform dedicated to teaching Vue js. It was tought by Greg Pollack and Adam Jahr. Greg has a lot of experience teaching online, he founded Code School back in 2011 was later acquired by Pluralsight.

Key Features of Vue Mastery:

  1. Comprehensive Courses: Like Vue School, Vue Mastery also has an extensive beginner to advanced levels courses for Vue js. From Vue 2 to Vue 3, Composition API, Nuxt js and more.
  2. Evan You courses: The founder of Vue js has it's own courses in Vue Mastery.
  3. Extras: Not only courses but Vue Mastery also providing cheat sheet which can save time and energy.

Enrol with Vue Mastery now

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